We went to dinner at Hard Rock Cafe, then for entertainment we went to the Carolina Opry and had a blast! The Carolina Opry is basically a variety show filled with music, comedy, and lots of laughs. I hadn't been in many years, so it was a nice treat to see again.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Dinner and a Show
We went to dinner at Hard Rock Cafe, then for entertainment we went to the Carolina Opry and had a blast! The Carolina Opry is basically a variety show filled with music, comedy, and lots of laughs. I hadn't been in many years, so it was a nice treat to see again.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Fun Day in the Water
My mother and stepdad arrived last night for a weekend of fun at the beach! Before lunch, we went out on the beach for a couple of hours and had some fun. My mother and I took a nice, long walk, while my stepdad played in the surf. When she and I finished our walk, we joined him out in the ocean. Thankfully, I took my underwater camera because we got some cute pictures of us catching some waves. Tonight, it is dinner at Hard Rock Cafe and then off to the Carolina Opry!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Treats for Toby
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Topsy-Turvy

I thought I would update everyone on the results of my mother's Topsy-Turvy. The tomato has several blooms and a small tomato growing now. The cucumber is not doing as well, but it nearly died when she was gone on vacation and the post was knocked over to the ground. So far they are doing well, but it will be interesting to see how the plants progress.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Stroll on the Beach
Yesterday, I went over to Pawleys Island for a little walk on the beach. This time, I was able to find parking at the most Southern portion, so I decided to try it out. This area has tons of sand, and a lot of areas where the water pools on the sand for you to walk or play in (or as the one guy was doing, paddle surf). Also, since it is the edge of the island, it loops around, so there is a nice area where the inlet comes in where you can float on floats and lazy around in the water. Good day to walk in the water as it was in the upper 90s yesterday with a heat index of 109!
On another note, the water is getting much warmer, so it is definitely ready for playing in the water now! Time to get out there and have some fun! I also put my camera in the underwater housing to try it out for just land pictures. I hope to take some pictures from playing in the water next weekend :)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Cooter's Backyard Bar & Grill
Last night, I went with some coworkers out for dinner and some fun. We decided to meet up at this little place called Cooter's and it was very cute. The food had funny names that were 'Southernized.' At about 9, a band called "The Painted Man" started to play, and they were pretty good. We had a great time, and it was great to have some fun with friends!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Here is a picture that I took a couple of weekends ago while visiting my grandmother and other family. She has a Hummingbird feeder, and the little guys were feeding at it all day. Each time I would go to get my camera and as I got it ready, they flew away. Finally, I was able to snap this picture! Cute little things, I could watch them all day :)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Wedding Slideshow
Kelley's Wedding
As you know, I was Maid of Honor at my best friend's wedding this weekend. At the rehearsal, I surprised the two of them with a slideshow of pictures of them as children and the last few years as a couple set to music. Both of them, and some others had tears in their eyes. I am happy that I was able to do that for them.
On the day of the wedding, we started off by going to start setting up the Reception area for later. Thankfully, Kelley's family was able to lend a hand and help get things together while we went off to join our Bridal Luncheon. Kelley's Aunt had set up a "High Tea" for everyone and had cute little finger foods and sandwiches. After, it was off to the salon for us all to get our hair styled for the wedding! All of the Bridal party had up-dos to celebrate the occasion. Then, to the church to get ready, take pre-wedding pictures, and the main event!
Kelley was beautiful in her gown, and as the church doors opened and Kelley was escorted down the aisle by her father, Paul got a tear in his eye. The both teared up during the ceremony, but not to the point of full out tears/crying. A very beautiful ceremony!
Next it was more pictures, then to the reception for the party and celebration! Everyone had a great time, and Kelley and Paul left at around 10:30 to be driven to their hotel at Charlotte. Their plane left this morning from Charlotte to Jamaica to stay at one of the luxurious Sandal's resorts.
I am so happy for the two of them and wish them the best of luck and many wonderful years to come for their days as Mr and Mrs Paul Davis!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Weekend Preparations
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Friday, June 5, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The Gray Man
I found this entry on the website: The Gray Man
This is originally found in: Tales from the Coast
"Maybe the most often told story in Georgetown County is the one about the "Gray Man." On more than one occasion, it has been said that the Gray Man has been seen on the beach in Pawleys Island just before a major hurricane comes. This has been going on for over a hundred years. People who have listened to the Gray Man’s warnings have always found their homes safe from the storms.
One of the legends says that there was once a young woman whose fiancé had just come back after being gone for several months. He was so anxious to get back to her, that instead of taking the safe route back to his home, he took a short cut through the marsh. On the way he and his horse got stuck in a patch of quicksand and were killed. After his funeral the girl was walking along the beach when she saw a figure appear. It looked just like her fiancé. The figure warned her to take her family and leave the island right away. The girl and her family left the island that night. When they returned they found that Pawleys Island had been hit by a massive hurricane. They were very surprised to find their home not damaged by the storm.
Another legend about the Gray Man says that he was the ghost of Plowden Charles Jeannerette Weston. Plowden was the original owner of what is now known as the Pelican Inn. Plowden was born in 1819 and was from a very wealthy family. When he was 12 years old his family moved to England so that he could get a proper English education. Plowden’s parents eventually came back to Georgetown but he stayed in England to continue his education. While he was in school he met the love of his life, Emily Frances Esdaile. They were married even though Plowden’s father was anti British. The couple received hundreds of acres of valuable property from his father. As years passed Plowden became a very respected and important man in the state legislature. Plowden caught tuberculosis and eventually died. Some people believe that Plowden is the Gray Man because he was such a faithful man to his home and those who lived in it.
There is still another legend about the Gray Man. Mrs. Eileen Weaver, who owned the Pelican Inn for many years said she has seen the Gray Man on several occasions. She said that the Gray Man was someone that she had seen before in a nineteenth century photograph. Mrs. Weaver would see two spirits in her home on regular basis. One was a man she believed to be the Gray Man and the other was a woman. After looking through some nineteenth century photographs Mrs. Weaver recognized the spirits looked like a couple that had inherited the Pelican Inn many years before. The couple were cousins of Plowden and Emily Weston.
Whoever the Gray Man is, it is said that he continues to watch over Pawleys Island and warn people of approaching deadly hurricanes."
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hurricane Season
Also, today is my brother's 29th birthday. Happy Birthday!