Thursday, February 12, 2009


Since I am working in a hospital again, I am remembering again the funny reasons that people refuse therapy. One thing to remember is that the patient always has the right to refuse treatment, even if the doctor sometimes thinks otherwise. Usually, you can get the person to agree to something, it is just all in the wording. There are, however, those cases where you just know the person is going to refuse, and you just move on to the next person.

Here are some funny attempted refusals that I have heard lately:
"I can't get up, I have a diaper on" (trust me, if it doesn't stop babies from walking with a diaper, it won't stop an adult)
"I have a catheter in, I'm not supposed to be out of bed" (who doesn't have a catheter in the hospital????)
"They double-crossed me, I know it wasn't you, but the head honcho double crossed me, and I'm not getting up" (lets just say, this lady was a little confused)
"The doctor told me not to get out of bed" (after just explaining to the patient that the doctor ordered PT to get him/her out of bed)
"I'm constipated, I can't get up" (they really don't like it when I tell them that PT and movement is one of the cures for that)

There are of course many different reasons, I'm too sore, I just had surgery, I'm too tired, and several other things. I do of course have sympathy for those who truly do just need an easier day of therapy, but I do still find it funny some of the stranger reasons that I hear.

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