Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Medical City Dallas

As I was sitting at a red light, I decided to snap this picture of the hospital. While it does not show the entire hospital, it does show a large portion of it. Today, I got to learn how to work with LVAD machines. This is a Left Ventricular Assist Device, which basically acts to help pump the heart to pump the blood through the body. These devices are used in cases of heart failure where a person may need a heart transplant. In some cases, they are used until a heart becomes available and in others, they are used because the person is not a candidate for a heart transplant. LVADs can also be used after some surgeries when the heart is weak (like open heart surgery) where the heart needs a chance to rest and recover. I learned how change the device from the electrical/plugged-in main unit to the portable battery powered unit. I also learned how to test the unit and how to check the battery charge. It is a strange thing knowing that if you literally have someone's life in your hands when you are changing the wires over; remembering to only change one at a time, not both wires at the same time, etc. Such a great experience though!

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