Saturday, March 7, 2009


I tried to go into work yesterday, but as I kept driving, I began hurting more and more. By the time I got there, I was in a lot of pain. I knew there was no way that I could do my job as a hospital PT (as working in a hospital means that I have to help patients get out of bed, and requires certain abilities). I went to the manager, and she told me that there was a doctor's office upstairs, and immediately sent me up to get seen and get some better medicine. She then told me to let her know how I was feeling and take the day off. So, I went up to the doctor's office, and they were able to work me in to see a very nice doctor. She agreed with me, that it was mainly muscular spasms and soreness, but told me if I did not start to feel better or got worse to come back in and they would get some x-rays. She also gave me 3 different prescriptions: a muscle relaxer, a milder pain killer for the day, and a stronger pain killer for nights to help me sleep (as I got no sleep Thursday night). She also wrote me a note to miss an entire week of work. While I really don't want to miss a whole week, and I hope that I'm feeling better and ready to do my job early next week, it is nice to know that if things got worse, there is the option. I also went to buy a heating pad when I was getting my prescriptions filled. Needless to say, all day yesterday was spent taking medicine and laying on the heating pad.

Last night, I took my stronger medicine and went to sleep around 8:30, while I woke up a few times throughout the night, it was a much better sleep. I woke up around 6 am, and felt a little sick on my stomach from taking medicine and not having a full stomach. After I got something in my stomach, I felt better and was able to take more medicine (as the spasms and pain were increasing again). I'm just glad that there aren't any broken bones and while my injuries are there, it isn't nearly as bad as it could have been. I guess the worst part (other than the pain and spasms) is that I can't go out and enjoy the nice weather this weekend and do something fun and see a new Dallas sight.

1 comment:

Deb and Jay said...

Oh man, that's crazy! Hope you feel better soon and it's not anything more serious. Did they change out your rental? Keep us posted.