Friday, May 30, 2008

Last full day in paradise

I drove into work today for my last day working as a physical therapist at Roy L. Schneider Hospital. I should have a steady load of patients, and I have a little bit of notes and cheat sheets for the person taking my patients, but overall, not a bad day. In celebration (hmmm, that sounds like a bad way to word it) of my last day, we are all getting food delivered for lunch today to have one last meal together. Should be a good day!
On another note, I am mostly packed! All I have are a few clothes and Toby's toys to throw in my checked luggage, and I will be finished with that. Then, tomorrow morning, I will pack up my carry-on suitcase with the last minute items I need to get ready. I am very excited and hope that the weight of my luggage isn't too much!


a said...

FYI...they do not weigh your luggage in STT departing :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you keep up your posts in all your travels. I wish I'd found your blog sooner always heard Deb and Jay talking about you neat to put a face with a name.
Best of luck to you
At least you are coming to the midwest in the summer.