Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Crazy Morning!

What a morning, even before 8 am! I get to work and get inside to find out that 2 of the 3 patients that I had scheduled for this had canceled. As my patient case load is winding down, I am having fewer patients scheduled each day. This meant that I had all of this morning free to make sure that I had all of my things in order before I leave on Friday. In addition, I found out this morning that some person had possibly jumped off on the 9 level parking garage at some point during the night/early morning (before 7 am) to end his life. It is such a shame to see someone end their life because usually there is always a way out. The therapist in me also knows that 9 levels is a poor choice to actually end your life because there is a chance you will actually make it and end up with a spinal cord injury (paralyzed) or a brain injury. Needless to say, a strange morning.

On a good note, my afternoon went well! Plus, I began packing last night, so I am not completely putting off things until the last minute.

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