Friday, August 1, 2008

AM Battery Run

Around 5 am, I heard this loud beeping noise, I blew it off as something that was either outside or in my dream. It beeped again about 20 min. later, but I still wanted to get some sleep, so I blew it off again. Around 6 am, it started going off about every 5 min, so I knew it was probably the smoke alarm battery. I went in the hallway to realize that the smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detectors were at the top of the 10 foot ceiling! As there is no ladder here, my only option was to grab the high bar stool to stand on top of. I was just barely able to reach it, so I had to stack a phone book on top. I took the battery out of the carbon monoxide detector first, and it still beeped. I then began to take the smoke alarm off, and realized then that the system was hard-wired to the building. I started to think, hmmm, I've never heard a carbon monoxide detector, maybe that's what it sounds like, so I opened the sliding glass door so the apartment could air out just in case (as I have a gas oven/stove) and shortly after tried putting the battery back in. Then, the alarm stopped going off, then I got concerned thinking maybe there was a gas leak. After about 10 min, the alarm went off again, so I knew it was the battery. Problem being, after scouring the apartment, there were no spare batteries. I knew I couldn't leave Toby alone in the apartment all day with a beeping alarm (as he was already trembling and looking scared half to death), so I had to quickly get ready and drive to the grocery store and pray that 1) they were open, 2) there was no line, and 3) I would make it back in time to catch the bus to work. Thankfully, there was little traffic and I was able to make the purchase and return quickly and replace the battery. I waited for about 10 min and the alarm didn't beep again, so I knew I was in the clear. I then had to quickly grab my purse and head out again to catch the bus. As I was walking through the lobby, I saw my bus driving by! Thankfully, I had enough foresight to walk down a different street and catch a different bus that takes me only a few blocks down from where I needed to be (slightly more walking, but if I timed it correctly, I would get there before 8). Sure enough, a bus came, and I was able to take it to work. Of course, as I was sitting on the bus, I realized I had forgotten my name badge, so I had to sign in at the front desk and get a paper one to wear all day. All of this drama before 8 am, and my first patient was a no show, so I didn't have to rush so much! What a morning! FYI- the rest of the day has been fine with no drama to speak of.

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