Sunday, July 27, 2008

Batman in IMAX

I got to go see the IMAX version of The Dark Knight today. While the majority of the movie was in regular movie format, there were certain scenes that were shot using special cameras and lenses. During these scenes, the entire screen was filled with the movie (where as the majority was just in the typical widescreen format). While it was interesting seeing the movie in the IMAX format, I wouldn't necessarily pick IMAX over the regular version in the future. As for the movie, it was spectacular, and definitely worth seeing. I won't give away any of the details, but the movie keeps you interested the entire time, and does not seem like it lasts 2 hours. By the way, I would recommend watching Batman Begins prior to watching The Dark Knight to refresh your memory of some of the events.

1 comment:

sealaura said...

I had never been to an Imax theatre before but I really enjoyed seeing the last Batman via Imax. Definitely more of a film than just a super heroe flick. BTW living de life pointed me to your blog. Cool stuff, I especially liked your dog Toby.