Sunday, July 6, 2008

Three Day Weekend

As my car stays parked in an indoor garage, I decided that I should drive to Target yesterday to pick up some essentials that I did not bring with me. For one, I needed to get Toby some dog shampoo as he was in need of a bath as he was starting to smell like a dog (and I don't like him to smell like a dog). While the Target is within walking distance, I wanted to drive my car for a little so it stays in good working order. The Target here has a parking garage and is actually 2 levels (to save on space), but looks much like every other Target. The above picture is one I saw online of a Target advertisement on the "L" train. I was able to purchase my items and get a few groceries too, so that was nice. As I'm sure you are all wondering, driving in Chicago was not that bad. Granted, I was not going that far, but the streets are very easy to navigate. It helps that Chicago is laid out in blocks, so if one street is busy, you can just go a street down and still easily arrive at the same location.

Last night, I was able to give Toby a bath. This new shampoo smells like baby powder and leaves him smelling baby fresh and very soft. He of course ran around like a crazy dog after his bath, it was very funny.

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