Thursday, March 27, 2008

Dancing Toby

Last night, I ate with Jay and Debbie, so I brought a cookie up with me for Toby to have when we were eating. Well, Toby saw me grab the cookie and take it upstairs with me, and decided he had to have it. So, he started pretending to choke to get my sympathy vote for the cookie, he did this for a while, so Debbie grabbed her camera to film him. Unfortunately, he stopped the fake choking thing, so we didn't get that on film (that is the pause in the front; me seeing if he will fake choke), but we did get him dancing around


a said...

You gotta tell me how to teach Bailey "the dance"...I hope you remembered the Pet Social w/wine at Havensight....last Wed.every month :)

Traveling Shaunda said...

I did remember it, but I was so busy running around to 3 different stores (that one included) to try to find puppy pads for him, that by the time I got home to get Toby, I was just ready to sit at home! I will put it on my calendar for next month though!

Sudonna said...

Hey girl,
Just thought that I would say hi and tell you that I miss you. Toby is sooooooooooo cute and he dances too. I take it that he is happy there. Well everything here is the same stuff just a different day. I did get a little surprise last week. My neighbor decided to burn some pine straw, even thro it hasn't rained in forever. Well he burnt up my front, back and side yard. The fire melted 1 1/2 feet of the sliding on my house, burned down my dog kennel, and all of my trees, plants and grass. Now everywhere I look is see beautiful flowers, then I turn into my yard and everything looks black and dead. Maybe I should paint my house black then I could look like a grothic movie or something. Glad to hear that your having a blast there. Talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

Wow Toby is such a good dancer! He sould go on "So You Think You Can Dance"! I can quit laughing I love the spin move!